Andrea Ceccomori; Vasco Negreiros; Matelda Viola; Fabrizio Volpi;
Melp Editore
Melp Editore
With this second title continues the series “Mysterium”, inspired by Scriabin, by Andrea Ceccomori with the Ensemble of Assisi Suono Sacro on the sacredness of music in its broadest sense. A music close to the soul for a new world made for humans. A mix of different sounds united by the presence of the flute, the main instrument for this mission, and the voice of Matelda Viola, special guest of this album, in the dual role of composer and vocalist. The CD is titled “Mercy” and is dedicated to the Giubileo of 2016, wanted by the Holy Father Francis. From the vision of Pope Francesco, this music is the perfect emblema of it since it is strongly franciscan.